When heading North it all went South

I awoke at 5.00am having come off second best to a mosquito which had taken residence in my room





and Cahors welcomed us to the day with torrential rain, after a 9 Euro cake breakfast and much procrastination we headed off.
We stopped early on to get some tyres for Rod as he’d been in desperate need for about a week and they now resembled a child’s rubber ring. At this point I noticed Rod obviously had had a tough night as well, he had his top on back to front (where’s Mrs J when you need her?)
Brand new tyres fitted we headed off into the monsoon, Rod not very confidently as new tyres are notoriously slippery and me trying to ram the advantage home. After an hour or 2 we stopped in the services to empty our boots and put carrier bags on our feet and we headed for Poitiers. The rain had not subsided and visibility was terrible, when suddenly I came upon this;



Sparks and a tactical dismount later Rod heroically stopped the traffic and helped me recover the bike to the side of the road, a quick check of me and the bike and we were off again. A bit gingerly though. We arrived in Poitiers about an hour later where Rod was in P… Take mode. I let him have his moment, he doesn’t get many.
Poitiers is a real surprise, a lively gaff with loads of shops if you like that sort of thing, Rod bought some shaving cream (because soap is too harsh for his face). A bite to eat and off to bed, Le Mans tomorrow.




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